Gabriel: Mommy!!!
Me: Go back to bed!
G: Moooooooooommmmmmmmyyyyyy!
Me: WHAT?! (read in the tone of my mother)
G: I can't sleep.
Me: Do you want me to turn on a CD?
G: yes.
Me: Story or songs?
G: Songs ... I want to listen to Phish! I like them because its daddy's favorite.
Me: Ok. (fumbling around with CD's in the dark)
[turn on cd and fiddle with the volume]
Me: There. Can you hear it ok?
G: yes, thank you.
Me: Ok. Good night, guys.
Ethan: Mommy! Wait!
Me: (rolling my eyes)(don't judge me, its dark) What?
Ethan: This isn't a fish song!
Me: Yes, it is.
Ethan: But where are the fish?
Me: Fish aren't actually in the songs. It's music by Phish.
Ethan: No, it doesn't sound like fish.
Me: No, fish don't perform the songs. The people playing the music, collectively, are called Phish.
Ethan: Oh... are they singing about fish?
Me: Ummm.... yeah. Good night!
end scene.
This post is otherwise titled: Who's on first?
As long as it gets them to sleep, you can tell them anything. Mmmmmm, sleep. Sorry, tired here.
I am so on the same page as you.
I guess I've been talking to my 6yr old like he understands big words, hilarious to hear him try to explain it to my 8yr old in his words.
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