Brandon and Gabriel went to church this morning, leaving us two sickies behind.
In the boys' room, Ethan wanted to play.
I played the part of Susan (from Monster's v Aliens and McDonald's Happy Meal toy)
E played the part of the Tonka tow truck.
Tow Truck: Hi Susan, you want to go with me to the football game?
Susan: yes! that sounds like fun! (attempting to climb on back of tow truck)
Tow Truck: No! You ride in your own cars.
[grrr.... looks like I have a lot to teach about chivalry]
Bob enters the scene (also from Monsters v Aliens and McDonalds Happy Meal toy)
Bob: hi susan! coconut! coconut! coconut! coconut! coconut!
We tried building mega lego towers too - but since we lack a shared vision we both moved onto something else.
Later, after I've given up trying to play and think like a 3 year old. Ethan says to me, "I sick with the germs. I watch Spongebob now."
That's a great idea. I watch Spongebob now too.
I almost don't like playing with Graham sometimes because he's so damn bossy. Apparently, I can't do ANYTHING right. I guess you can't either.
One of Lily's friend's favorite word is "coconut!" That must be one of Ethan's favorites, too!
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