Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksy pics

Every year B fries a turkey. Every year I think, "it can't get any better than this." Somehow, it does! He is a master turkey fryer! This picture was meant to capture the essence of frying a turkey. I don't think it did but it still is a cool picture.

This is half of our crowd - but more importantly, its the spread! There's a turkey in there somewhere.... My mil started a new tradition with sweet potatoes that is glorious!
Ethan ... Poor Ethan. He was sick and grumpy all day. Finally he fell asleep on Nana, where she was rendered immobile while the rest of us held on to our freedom!
Last year for Thanksgiving (it was on the blog I accidentally deleted), I gathered all the materials for crafts and games for the kids, story time and Thanksgiving themed toys. Gabriel was the one who sick all day long! Also, Gabriel was sick throughout his entire bday party - and now it looks like Ethan is following his lead. Poor kids. Why are they not sick when there is nothing on the schedule?


Krista P said...

Isn't it glorious to have someone there to make the kids feel better when they're sick so you can enjoy a few minutes of freedom?!

I was thinking of that fried turkey all evening long.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Forgetfulone said...

Great photos! When my kids were sick, I swear that one or both of them was sick on every single holiday of the year. Wonder why? They're 12 now, so you will survive. poor baby. Hope he's better.

Love your essence of fried turkey picture!